4th Annual Freedom Marine Center Tent Event and Tournament


4th Annual Freedom Marine Center Tent Event and Tournament

Download Entry Form Here:  BigTent2017Flyer

Entry Fee – $200.00

1st Place: $5000.00

2nd Place: $2500.00

3rd Place: $2000.00

4th Place: $1500.00

5th Place: $1000.00

Big Fish: $500.00

Highest Finishing Registered Phoenix Boat Owner Team: $1000.00

Highest Finishing Couples Team: $1000.00

Highest Finishing Military Team: $1000.00

Highest Placing Parent / Child Team: $1000.00

Highest Finishing High School Team: $1000.00

*Boat number issued in order of registration. Registration ends April 14, 2016 at 8:00pm under the tent.


Thursday – Humminbird Advanced Training (seating is limited, please call to sign up)

Thursday through Saturday – On Water Boat Demonstrations